For good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, I, the Artist (defined on my application), do hereby irrevocably grant to The Lofts Art Walk at Sun Center ("Organization") and to its affiliated companies, successors, assignees and licensees, the unlimited use of my Artwork (defined above) in connection with the The Lofts Art Walk at Sun Center (the "Event") and the results and proceeds thereof.
I give permission for my photograph or image to be used by The Lofts Art Walk at Sun Center for the purpose of promoting, marketing and educating the public about The Lofts Art Walk at Sun Center programs, activities, causes and mission. I grant The Lofts Art Walk at Sun Center and their respective partnering organizations permission to use, free of charge, throughout the world the images and related narrative in any form whatsoev-er, including print; on the radio; on the Internet; in television commercials or other broadcasts; or in connection with other media or technologies now known or later invented. I understand that The Lofts Art Walk at Sun Center has the right to edit, excerpt, adapt, comment upon or otherwise transform in any way it sees fit the images and / or narrative and that I have no right to approve or inspect the images or narrative.
I am participating in the event for The Lofts Art Walk at Sun Center upon my express agreement and understanding that I am hereby waiving, releasing, and forever discharging The Lofts Art Walk at Sun Center its board members, affiliates, partners, officers, agents, servants, contractors, employees, representatives, and volunteers, and their respective successors, assignees, heirs, and personal representatives (each an "Indemnified Party") from and against any and all claims, cost, liabilities, damages, obligations, expense, losses, or judgments, including attorney fees and court costs (herein collectively "Claims") arising out of or by reason of any activities relating to the Event or my participation in the Event, including without limitation, any illness or injury (including death), even if any such Claim may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of any Indemnified Party. I further hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless The Lofts Art Walk at Sun Center and each Indemnified Party from and against any and all such Claims by third parties arising out of or by reason of any activities relating to the Event or my participation in the Event.